Thursday, August 02, 2007


David and Rob Wise share a birthday, and have thus often celebrated the 28th of July together.

In their 'varsity days Rob would generally organise a very civilised birthday gathering, and David would jump on the bandwagon - this would usually be with a bunch of his reprobate friends in tow.

In 2005, for their 30th birthdays, we were all in the UK, and spent the day rafting down the Wye River in Wales with some good friends.

For the 2006 birthday, Rob and Bridge spent a couple of very wet nights camping in England's lake district. And it was on that day last year that David and I left Zithulele and moved into our home here in Pmb (one year already!).

2007 saw Bridge and I unable to take part in the festivities - we're both growing babies, though mine is a bit bigger and noisier than hers! We treated David and Rob to a Karkloof Canopy Tour, which is basically a series of 8 very long foeffie (how do you spell that?) slides through an indigenous forest. Apparently it was great.

There is always argument about who was born first. Before they turned 30, they argued over who was older but now they argue over who is younger...


At Thursday, August 02, 2007 10:37:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

The Lake district weekend wasn't wet - These assumptions about the muddy island, tsk tsk! :-) Beautiful but just squished into a 1-man tent and bitten to bits by miggies. I'll put a pic on our blog....


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